My Experiences in Public vs Private School

If you were ever a student, which I assume you were, you've probably heard the stereotypes of public school kids being psychopaths, and private/homeschooled kids being weird and antisocial. As a student who has experienced both of these vastly differing worlds of education, I can verify that this is not the whole truth (partial truth. sorry, friends.) From preschool to my freshman year of high school, I was a public school kid. As an elementary schooler, this didn't bother me one bit. Well, aside from the fact that my best friend and next door neighbor went to a charter school, and I was often annoyed by the amount of homework she got that held her back from playing with me after school. Besides that, I didn't know anything different, and it was fine. I went to three different elementary schools, which makes me sound like I committed horrible crimes at seven years old, but really it was just due to weird circumstances. In third grade, my neighbo...