The Ultimate Semi-Helpful Grammar Extravaganza Fun Fest

I absolutely love grammar. Yes, nerdy, I know- I'm owning it. ;) I posted on my twitter (@jadynsca) asking if anyone would be interested in a post with grammar tips, and there was an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm regarding such- so here I am! This post could end up being pretty messy, but hopefully legible and helpful! First off, we'll start with misused words. Effect vs. Affect : Simply, "effect" is a noun, and "affect" is a verb. For this one, you need to recognize the context and find out which one is correct. Example: One effect of listening to Enya is experiencing pure bliss. Fact. (Noun) This heat is really affect ing me. Seriously, it's hot out. AC please. (Verb) Genius vs. Ingenious : This one is confusing, especially if you know the difference between "famous" and "infamous". No, "ingenious" is not referring to an evil scientist. "Ingenious...